Sunday, January 17, 2021

CREATIVE: The sickness that I want to have

So you know I love anything upcycled........anything that was once destined for the trash that can be cleaned up & reused in a new way?  Yeah, that's what I'm all about!!

From turning old tyres into funky lamps

Old t-shirts into yarn & then into funky bowls

Even old bathtubs being transformed into day beds

I'm in awe of what can be done

You don't have to look for to find inspiration - all of these ideas were found on Pinterest - and there's a WHOLE WORLD of op shops (thrift shops) and recycling centres for you to fossick around.

It's just a matter of seeing something within something else.............which is the biggest challenge for me

How does someone see an old cupboard and think to themselves, "I'm going to turn that into an aviary!"

Who see's an old cup & saucer and think to transform it into a bird feeder!?!!

These people make me sick!!!  And I want their illness!!

I've started a board with a bit of inspiration on Pinterest - if you want to add to the list, why not join me down the rabbit hole!?!!

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