One of my friends Coral from creativewomensbusiness recently posted about BEING SO CLOSE TO YOUR GOALS THAT YOU CAN ALMOST TOUCH IT
She has a wonderful blog that talks about the stresses & challenges of being creative and trying to make that transition from hobby to business, while tackling a job and many other FUN THINGS!!
She went to an inspiring class recently (Go check it out!) and was posting about her doubts.....(quotes from her post below)
You can’t just cross your arms and nod your head like ‘I Dream Of Jeanie’ and poof, there it is.
Because you know it takes a lot of work to get to that point. And while you love living it just for a day or two, you are reminded just how far away you are from it being your every day. And I little bit of ‘I’m not good enough’ creeps in even though you know better. Even though you know that’s not what it’s about.
I wrote a comment back to her about what I thought it meant to be close to your dream..................and I wanted to share it here.
Was I being too judgemental and thinking she was 'down on herself' too much? Did I assume because she mentioned her doubts that she was automatically meant she had taken a back step?
here's what I wrote
I posted something the other day that may resonate for you…..
Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy
I know exactly what you mean about the life you can see others living that you are hoping to have yourself………….and I know that negative thoughts will sometimes stop your mind from believing you can have that life too.
But I suppose the difference between them & us is that they are just a little further along the track.
Doesn’t meant that you’re not already there in someone else’s eyes though
for sure, have an end goal, draw up a vision board, get back to Oprah reruns and read up on The Secret………..but PLEASE also remember to ENJOY EVERY DAY along the way.
It’s so easy to get caught up in everyone else’s highlight reels that we forget how far we have actually come, or how lucky we already are.
Just remember that you have an amazing gift, and it’ll all fall into place……if it hasn’t already fallen into place and you just need to see the forest rather than the trees xxx
I think my comments are trying to inspire Coral, but I also don't want her to think that I'm living the dream.........
Because I don't personally think anyone is ever living the dream..........all the time. I think it's less about searching for happiness, and choosing to be happy where you are RIGHT NOW
I'd love to know what you think about how our internal dialogue is constantly in dispute with our outward it right/wrong or does no one but us really care!?!!
Curious to read your thoughts on it all
I'm happy in many ways - I adore my husband, I love my friends, I get welcomed every afternoon by a dog and two cats who are crazy happy to see me. And every day I'm grateful for that. But a mid life major re-assessment (sounds better than mid life crisis) means I know in my work life I've been pointing in the wrong direction for too long. And now I'm doing a slow and steady U-turn to point the right way and head towards my northern star. But I think we often wait too long before we figure it out. So when we finally do, we want it soon. Like yesterday. The battle is always going on inside our head - even though it isn't obvious to the outside world. I've found the best way to work through it is to look for signs from the universe. There are signs everywhere - pointing you towards where you are meant to go. Where you are meant to be. Doing what you are meant to go. But you have to sit still long enough to hear what it has to say. And sometimes that's the hard part.