Saturday, January 19, 2013

finished #4 - upcycled ottoman

ok - this isn't going to be a tutorial, but I'm really happy with my first prototype, and might eventually make a few more of these to sell at a market some time.

100% upcycled

Fabrics from a BrisStylers destash sale were used for the top & sides.
And old wooden button was recovered & handstitched on to tidy up the messy points, and the same fabric was used to edge the main pattern and create the sides
the base was reclaimed from offcuts from a shop fitout (yoink!) and the legs were bought from a recycling centre, cut down & sanded back

The only things i bought new were the staples to fix the fabric to the bottom of the base, even the scuffs were leftovers in a packet from our dining table chairs.

So there you have it - warts and all!!  I'm not a sewer by any feat (and obviously not an even stapler either,) but as first goes go, I'm pretty impressed with my efforts!

next time I might try for some autumnal colours and maybe some greys to blend in - WHO AM I KIDDING, RAINBOWS ALL THE WAY!!

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